Sunday, January 30, 2011


It's been awhile since I've posted or even updated the donation tracker, it's just that a lot of things are have been going on here lately. I started a new job, I'm now subbing for QISD. I must say it has taken some getting used to being out in the work environment after working from a home office for the past year. The first day didn't go so well I ended up having a panic attack but luckily that was on a Friday and I rested up over the weekend and tried again on Monday and was able to make it through the whole week with no issues. I'm really enjoying subbing... it not only gets me out of the house but it's also teaching me how to deal with my stress levels since that effects NMO patients greatly.
As for the whole disability paperwork I got a call from the doctor yesterday and she said she agrees that me going on disability until after the stem cell transplant would be the best thing. Now I'm just waiting on them to mail the paperwork back to me so I can send it all off and start the approval process.
I'm still kind of lost in the land of insurance but the company that handles my insurance is supposed to be calling me Monday to help me sort through all of my options. As of right now we're still trying to decide if the best course of action would be for me to go on Cobra or to be switched to my parents health insurance plan for the next two years.
I still have not sent my paperwork off to Northwestern University I'm going to try and call to get all my medical records this week. Ugh! That in itself is a job I'm not looking forward too. However I have to get it done if I want to get the ball rolling on getting approved for the transplant.
As for other news health wise I'm doing well just a little on the tired side because of going back to work, I'm praying that my body will eventually adjust to this since fatigue is one of the major side effects of Devic's NMO that I fight with on a daily basis. Cookies for a Cure my Mom's part of the fund raising efforts has really taken off... she's been working long days and long nights to decorate all the cookies that have been ordered.
There's a quick update I have some other posts that I'm working on and hope to get those up tonight... we'll see how that goes. <3

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