Friday, September 2, 2011

Update on Life and Treatment

So I didn't realize that people are still constantly stopping by here to read this blog... Guess it's overdue that I update you guys on how life and treatment is going.

Well, we fought a 5 month battle with the insurance company but we finally got them to agree to pay for a portion of my Rituxan. So I'm currently doing 1000mg every other Thursday. My bcells are staying under 1% and I'm happy to report that I'm doing much better. If only this Texas heat would dissipate I might be able to get out of my house more often. All in good time though.

I'm doing so well that I was able to go on vacation! That's right my boyfriend flew me out to Ft. Bragg, NC for 10 days and it was wonderful. Since it was only in the 80's the entire time I was there we were able to go swimming, play putt-putt, and even go to Carawinds amusement park! It was wonderful to be able to do all these things and even better to be able to spend time with him.
Zane and I
As for disability they were supposed to make their decision this week but it's a holiday so I haven't heard anything back yet. Hopefully I will know Tuesday morning, keeping my fingers crossed and just praying for God's will in this situation. If the decision is a no I do have an interview set up Tuesday afternoon for the position of Senior Financial Associate with Raytheon. Whatever happens I know I'll be able to make it work because I have God in this fight with me and he won't let me fail.

That's a quick update for now... I'll update as soon as I know more about my disability case. For now I'm just learning to grow closer to God and enjoy life day to day.

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